About Me

My Story...


Journey to becoming a full stack developer

As a child I was always disassembling my toys out of a strong curisotiy to know how things work. The time spend as bicycle repair technician allowed me to hone my tinkering skills while providing a fun and energetic environment to enjoy my time at work.

Time progresses and priorities change which led me to seek a new career path. After multiple nudges from close friends to look into software development, I decided to enroll in a Coding Bootcamp course at UCSD. Now armed with a fresh batch of new skills I'm excited to embark on a new path with endless posibilites!




Strong grasp on core language features as well as ES6 features including Promises, Modules, Classes, and Destructuring


Node JS

Primary backend JavaScript Runtime that I use for building out my websites/applications. Used in conjunction with Express JS framework.


React JS

Primary frontend JavaScript library I often use for building interactive component based UIs on websites/applications. I often manage state with React Hooks and Redux.

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